• Conspitheory: The Hamitic Ideology
    (Source : Rwanda, racisme et l’idéologie hamitique – J.P Chrétien, M Kabanda) As early as the end of the Middle Ages, European texts evoked the existence of an earthly paradise in central Africa. Light-skinned men would live there, in a “great Ethiopia” that would extend to the sources of the Nile,Continue Reading
  • De Kemi Seba à Denis Mukwege, des démagogues au service de la haine raciale
    Jessica Mwiza Dans l’étendue des milieux afro-francophones surfant sur l’idéologie hamitique qui mena au génocide perpétré contre les Tutsi de 1994, un personnage haut en couleur occupe une place centrale et attire une audience toujours plus large et avide de contenus simples et radicaux qui expliqueraient les déboires sans finContinue Reading
    #ConspiTheories, #HateSpeech, #Wazalendo and #Genocide_Ideology in the Great Lakes.                           .Continue Reading
  • Weekly Great Lakes Conspi Review – November 2
    MISINFORMATION ABOUT EAC MANDATE. A campaign of misinformation by the DRC government including by president Tshisekedi has led to hate speech and targeted violence against the EAC peacekeeping regional force deployed in Eastern DRC. This has posed a threat to the EAC peacekeepers and to the peace mandate whereas theContinue Reading
  • Weekly Great Lakes Conspi Review – October 26
    KENYAN PEACEKEEPER KILLED. An EACRF senior official has confirmed that the mortar which killed a Kenyan peacekeeper was fired from the FARDC position, rejecting Kinshasa’s accusation that Rwanda planned the attack. This mirror propaganda campaign by Kinshasa hinders the regional peace process under the mediation of the EAC. DISINFORMATION: AContinue Reading